Raves: My helpful labmates
It occurred to me yesterday that I haven't given enough praise to my labmates here in Korea. Not that they're reading this (I think), but I should take a moment to describe how incredibly helpful they've been in all respects of my stay here.
Before I arrived, they found me housing. Once in Seoul, 원정 came to my hotel downtown, picked me up, and helped me find my way to said summer housing. Even though the lab is very crowded, 성은 cleared off her desk and is letting me use it, inconveniencing her no to small degree. Being the new person in lab who can't really read the labels on the drawers, shelves, and cabinets, I can't find anything, and everyone has been very patient with me and goes out of their way to find me the equipment that I need.
In Danyang at the lab retreat, my roommates 현이 and 준희 sheparded me around and made sure that I wasn't missing some important seminar or poster session, since I'm often not quite sure where we're supposed to be / what's going on (such is the price of being functionally illiterate!).
And most importantly, someone (sometimes multiple people) make sure that I have plans for lunch... the list goes on and on.
Just now was a great example: I need a centrifuge to spin some cells down. The one that I normally use (and know how to reserve, use, etc.) is broken, so I asked 미영 where I could find another one, and she walked me to three different labs until we found one that was available.
Before we came to Korea, we were told that our labmates would go above and beyond the call of hospitality, but these people truly have been great. In a lot of situations, I could easily have felt really isolated, alone, and homesick, but everyone here has made the transition as easy as possible. Just wanted to mention that...
Before I arrived, they found me housing. Once in Seoul, 원정 came to my hotel downtown, picked me up, and helped me find my way to said summer housing. Even though the lab is very crowded, 성은 cleared off her desk and is letting me use it, inconveniencing her no to small degree. Being the new person in lab who can't really read the labels on the drawers, shelves, and cabinets, I can't find anything, and everyone has been very patient with me and goes out of their way to find me the equipment that I need.
In Danyang at the lab retreat, my roommates 현이 and 준희 sheparded me around and made sure that I wasn't missing some important seminar or poster session, since I'm often not quite sure where we're supposed to be / what's going on (such is the price of being functionally illiterate!).
And most importantly, someone (sometimes multiple people) make sure that I have plans for lunch... the list goes on and on.
Just now was a great example: I need a centrifuge to spin some cells down. The one that I normally use (and know how to reserve, use, etc.) is broken, so I asked 미영 where I could find another one, and she walked me to three different labs until we found one that was available.
Before we came to Korea, we were told that our labmates would go above and beyond the call of hospitality, but these people truly have been great. In a lot of situations, I could easily have felt really isolated, alone, and homesick, but everyone here has made the transition as easy as possible. Just wanted to mention that...
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