So what's so great about Scottish indie rock? Well, there's a lot to love about the famous Belle & Sebastian, but mostly I love how I had no intention of going to this show.
Why not? Because a) I already saw them once at Coachella and b) tickets were frickin' expensive (like they always are at the
Wiltern, especially after the Ticketmaster bend-me-over surcharge).
Yet somehow I ended up there. How? Well, when your friend S. calls you, so desperate to attend the show that she offers to buy you a $40 ticket to the show, just so she won't have to go alone, you just say "yes."
But the best part about Scottish indie rock? S., my aforementioned sugar mama for the evening, is dating a Scottish guy. Who refuses to attend Belle & Sebastian concerts. His loss! For the record, I did give S. $20 for the ticket, because that's honestly how much I would have paid for the show. Yes, I know - I am an incredibly giving person.
(Giving myself a pat on the back.)But how was the music, you ask? Well, the opening act was The New Pornographers, who besides having a great name, sing one of my favorite songs of 2004: "The laws have changed." And although I love that song, I must say, TNP was really pretty average. All the songs sounded pretty much the same live, and they really need to improve their interaction with the audience (Note: the lame Canadian jokes about universal health care should die.)

But the headliners were awesome. Seriously funny guys with great Scottish accents. And the band, with a mixture of two guitars, bass, violin, keyboards, percussion, and the occasional trumpet is busy yet well-balanced without being overbearing. And somehow, their songs seem like little poems that really strike a chord or evoke a mood with me, whether it be a note of happiness, excitement, naivete, or melancholy. Actually, I was surprised how much I liked the show given that they played none of my favorite songs, most of which come from
Fold your hands, child, you walk like a peasant (incidentally, one of my all-time favorite album titles).
Honestly, however, my favorite part of the night was taking
public transportation to the Wiltern. How's that for an LA moment?!?! Taking the metro is so rare that I felt pretty cool riding to the show...